Monday, August 10, 2009

Long time no see.

Yeah yeah.... I suck at keeping up with blogging. Its not my fault. I swear.

I will give you a rundown of my summer:
-Photography class (which was actually kind of hard)
-Paolo Nutini concert (AMAZING.)
-wisdom tooth extraction on Wednesday (cute dentist makes it worth it... did I mention he's single??)
-Turning into an NPR lover. Not sure what happened after I swore I wouldn't become a pretentious indie-loving, scarf wearing liberal. But this winter I started wearing scarves. I then discovered I actually hate politics. And I shamelessly listen to Pussycat Dolls AND Andrew Bird. Not to mention all the indie films I've seen this year. I must be "evolving" as a person.

That is mostly it though. I had to work a lot to help pay for school. (Ick.)

The rest of my summer has involved my dear Bonnie as we have spent lots of time together. Not to mention all that texting back and forth. (They [the texts] have been the bright spot in my mundane office environment.) But yes.... we have had tea, watched movies, and spent a lot of time making faces at the other's musical tastes. (I still say some of the stuff she likes is the soundtrack to slitting your wrists, she still refuses to jump on the Lady Gaga bandwagon even though her music is like crack for my ears. Lady Gaga also dresses like she is on crack, but that is a different story.) So Bonnie, thank you for making my summer bearable. I can't wait for our ANTM nights during the school year. ;)

In other news:
My family crisis was semi-resolved. If my dad could find a job all would be well.

I started going to Vineyard Community Church in Marietta and I love it. First time in my life I have really looked forward to going to church, and not just cause Tattoo Guy is super cute.

I now know how to take a darn good picture. I need to hone my skills further now. Its as close to being artistic as I'm gonna get because I can't draw to save my life.

And I still haven't seen Harry Potter since all my friends are lame and saw it without me.

The end.

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