Thursday, August 20, 2009

I'm a published poet!

Random fact about moi: I became a published poet at the age of 7.
Yes, I know. How much of a genius could I be??

Without further ado, I give you my poem.

The fish, mermaids, crabs and seahorses
all swim in my salty waters.
All the mermaids ride the seahorses
getting away from sharks.
Dolphins play with the mermaids all day long,
while seahorses race by their sides.
The colorful fish play with everything
and I hear the sounds of my mermaids calling each other
and collecting my shells, which are my gifts to my waters.

Okay. So its not exactly Pulitzer Prize winning, but I was seven. And I really liked the Little Mermaid.


  1. Haha such a genius that it's the only thing you've ever published. You peaked at 7. How sad.

  2. Meanie. At least I had SOMETHING published at SOME point in my life. That is more than most people!
