Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Life Lesson #4

So I totally fell off the band wagon with the whole life lessons business. Who am I kidding? I AM NOT A BLOGGER. I'm the kid who writes in her journal (not a diary cause those are passé) when she's pissed, and that is all. Anyhoodle, here is life lesson numero cuatro!

Sometimes, when you look really, really hot, nothing comes of it.

So, the other night, I went out with some friends for dinner at this bar/pub sort of place. Thinking that there might be a decent crowd of young, hopefully detached, males I got all gussied up. I shaved, I wore a dress, and I broke out the dangly earrings. Arrive at the bar AND... crickets. Everyone that was there was already coupled up. BOO! Yet I promise, if I would've looked like poo, there would've been seven million hot guys there. (Slight exaggeration, but whatevs.) So yeah, when you get yourself sexified, do it for yourself, otherwise you might get disappointed (or in my case, pissed).

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